Trivia Night

Ladies and Gentlemen fasten your seat belts and hold on tight.

The first ever AvSoc trivia night launched at 1800 on the 23rd of July. Aviation alumni and students eagerly gathered in groups to compete against each other, to see who would walk away with that number 1 title. Who do you think won?

We had very exotic aviation related question. I bet, many students walked away with weirder but thrilling knowledge of the aviation industry. Like come on who knew what the highest located airport was, or what specific bird was on the JAL logo or which city our head of school is from?

By the end of the night both the students and alumni had an amazing time bonding together and sharing more knowledge on aviation. A great thanks to all the alumni who took their time out and attend the event and also to all our students who came. Congratulations to the winning team and second runner up, it was an amazing effort to see everyone so keen about aviation trivia.  

First Place Winners
2nd Place Runner Ups
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